T-shirts and sweatshirts and birch bark canoes;
Film and a camera with a panoramic view.
A box of smoked lake trout and ciscoes on ice;
Smoked salmon and steelhead cooled and wrapped twice.
Pebbles worn smooth from the Lake’s rugged shore;
Artsy craft stuff from Gnedesh General Store.
Toothbrushes, toothpaste, dirty underwear;
Gin in flask we bought at Lake Aire.
A pair of slacks now too tight in the gut;
New shorts with a stain where I fell on my butt.
Brochures, matchbooks and a nice travel guide
From Barbara, a friend on my mother’s side.
Three pairs of moccasins and a Norwegian sweater;
An afghan that is Duluth to the letter.
Six packages of candy that look just like rocks;
Amy’s five sweatshirts and more dirty socks.
A replica in ceramic of Split Rock Lighthouse;
Water from the lake and one linen blouse.
A large cardboard box that held all of the gear;
Rods, reels, and lures that the men held most dear.
Bass sandals and Birkies and tennies not clean;
Like a used collection from Double L Bean.
Two bottles of sunscreen to ward off the heat;
A bottle of Off!, but those ‘squitoes did eat!
Not to mention the luggage, nine pieces in all;
A cooler, three pullmans, a box that was tall,
One canvas bag, one suitcase that’s small,
And two you could hardly lift, tote, or haul.
The storm closed the airports at the Cities and Duluth;
We missed our connection by the skin of a tooth.
So on to St. Louis the Coopers did fly;
With no luggage, no tickets, but call we did try
To Bill, Seth, and Doug and Melinda to stand by
Our flight in to Dayton was nearly midnight.
We landed exhausted, all tired and spent;
And nobody could tell where our luggage went.
A pang in the heart, a flicker of dread;
The money we spent! Our guts filled with lead.
The loss of our memories, our tokens, our week,
Our favorite clothes; We could hardly speak.
So off to the claim, and then out to eat.
We avoided talk of luggage; we were beat.
But the happiest sight I did see the next day
Was the delivery van from TWA!
Created July 10, 1996
Cherie Cooper-Darragh
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