Sunday, October 9, 2011

Celebrating our 49th Year of Marriage!

We started our day driving down highway 2 through Superior National Forest
The day started out cold and rainy but as the day progressed, the clouds passed.

Coming over the hill into Two Harbors the clouds and rain over Lake Superior.

We stopped for a tour of Northern Rail Train Car Suites.  This is a very interesting B&B, each rail car has it's own decor and no two are the same.

We next drove to Cooter's Pottery for a visit and some shopping, of course!

Here is Gary at Flood Bay State Park just north of Two Harbors, the weather was trying to improve.

We traveled south on highway 61 to the Scenic Route down the North Shore.

We pulled over at Stony Point for a picnic lunch, but due to the cool rain, we ate in the car and enjoyed the view.

Here is Nancy at her favorite bench at Leif Erickson Park in Duluth.  Read the quote on the bench!  We attempted the Lake Walk but the walk was cut short due to the rain. 

The view of the Aerial Lift Bridge at Canal Park, Duluth, where we received a parking ticket while parked in front of Duluth Pack.

This picture is of Peabody Docks in Superior Wisconsin, where Frank Scobie Sr. was superintendent.  This was taken from Park Point, Lake Avenue, Duluth.

Notice, no one is swimming today, cool in the 40's with showers.

We went to Inger Park where the tower has been completely refurbished.  The King and Queen of Norway are making an official visit this month.  Our friend Barb has been invited to the reception.  We enjoyed dinner at Black Woods Grille before returning home.

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