Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June 29th

The wind had been blowing out of the North now for two days straight. It was cool and Tuesday Night in Ely was upon us. Nana wanted to drive into town and take in the festivities, being to windy to fish, I agreed. A quick stop in Pamada for a couple items and up town we went.
We walked down the street from Zups to the Front Porch where the Boundary Water boys were performing. We listened through most of their second set and while a listening to their “End of the Road” number, this Ranger (Black Carharts and Cowboy Hat) in front of us lit a cigar and the smoke drifted right in our face. Needless to say within minutes we were tracking back up the hill towards Zups. We made the leisure drive back to the cabin looking for deer, moose and bear. We managed to see one nice buck and three does, no moose or bear, maybe next trip.
While getting out of the car, Nana said, “It would be nice to have a fresh fish sandwich for lunch.” Enough said, I grabbed a rod and walked down to the dock. It was just past 9:30. The temperature was in the low 50’s, almost like a fall but being Minnesota, typical for a cool June evening. The sun had just set over the trees and the colors in the west of hues of scarlet with crimsons fading into blues to dark in the North. The lake was as calm, smooth as glass, first time in about three days.
After making a couple cast, I had a nice bass on. As I leaned over to put it into the fish bag, I decided to release it for another day. I stood up and made a quick survey, the May flies were landing here and there laying their eggs for next years hatch. I heard a sunny slurp one up for its evening meal. The loons were calling and the last flicker of light was upon the lake. As the chill of the night formed goose bumps on the back of my neck, I scampered back to the cabin for the warmth and a little Hudson Bay on the rocks.

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